A new and exciting show in the Potfest calendar. Potfest in the Pens Melton Mowbray is a down-to-earth show in the characterful and charming location of the town’s agricultural market. The show brings together 100 potters and ceramic artists displaying and selling a cornucopia of colour, style, function and lots more to explore and buy.
The list of exhibitors, a fantastic mix of established and up-and-coming makers is on their website here, just select Melton Mowbray in the filter option. Why not tick off those Christmas presents off your list?
As part of all of the shows, each year the organisers have a potter’s competition based on a theme. This year it’s ‘Rooted in the past, planted in the present’. I’ve plans for what my piece will be and looking forward to making it.
Times: 3pm -7pm Fri, 9am – 4pm Sat & Sun
Tickets are just £4 a day or £7 for the whole weekend if you’re eager. Tickets can be bought at the door or in advance from their website.